Judy Patrick
Member of the Board of Directors at the Center for Community Change
Representing Colorado where she lives with her wife, Judy Patrick is a long-term friend of Equal Rights Advocates. From 2008-2014, she was President & CEO of the Women’s Foundation of California. In this role, Patrick was a pivotal founding partner of the Stronger California Women’s Economic Security Campaign. She continued to serve the Stronger Campaign after she left Women’s Foundation California as a lobbyist and director for ERA. An accomplished leader who is dedicated to increasing the economic security of low-income women and families in California, she combines the strategies of collective philanthropy, movement building, and advancing women’s leadership in public policymaking. Prior to coming to the Foundation, Judy directed the work of several nonprofits. She was executive director of the San Francisco-based Women’s Philharmonic and director of Girls Count, a Colorado initiative to change systems that impact girls’ educational achievement and career planning. She also led Mi Casa Resource Center for Women, a Denver organization that advances self-sufficiency primarily for low-income Latinas and youth. She has served on the faculty of the University of Colorado at Denver and Regis University, where she taught program development and evaluation. Judy has worked as a researcher and program evaluator in both the public and private sectors. She serves on numerous boards of directors, most recently as Chair of the Board of Directors of Community Change, a national D.C.-based organization bridging the world of grassroots organizing progressive politics with organizers across the country.