Equal Rights Advocates 50th Anniversary Logo
Prosperity Now Summit

Building Equity: Harnessing Federal Infrastructure Investments for Inclusive Workforce Development

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
201 Waterfront St., National Harbor, MD 20745

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The Prosperity Summit brings together thousands of professionals working to ensure that everyone in our country has a clear path to financial stability, wealth and prosperity.

This year Equal Rights Advocates National Legal Director Melvina Ford will speak on a panel called “Building Equity: Harnessing Federal Infrastructure Investments for Inclusive Workforce Development.”

  • Panel description: Explore the pivotal role of federal infrastructure investments in combating inequities within the clean energy, transportation, and construction sectors. Join the Center for Law and Social Policy for an illuminating panel discussion on leveraging initiatives like the Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act to promote workforce diversity. Gain insights into state and local strategies fostering inclusivity, and learn actionable steps to advance the inclusion of women and people of color in infrastructure jobs.
Other panelists: Cristina Barillas-McEntee, Chicago Women in Trades; and Elizabeth Falcon, Jobs with Justice. Moderated by Emily Andrews, Center for Law and Social Policy.

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