Intro to Title IX Law & Campus Adjudication
A Zoom training for attorneys, CLE credit available.
Times are Pacific times
Registration is full. Please check back for another version of this training at a future date.
Attorneys: Join us for a morning of Zoom-based, CLE trainings presented by Equal Right Advocates in partnership with Public Counsel. Get legal training and get connected to ERA’s Pro Bono movement to protect student survivors’ access to education.
Learn how to support student survivors of sexual violence
The trainings you’ll receive are ERA’s introductory trainings for joining our ENOUGH Pro Bono Network, which provides brief legal services and representation to college student survivors in on-campus Title IX proceedings.
Receive CLE credit while learning about a rapidly changing area of civil rights law and cutting edge practices to support survivors. Join the Network to gain access to additional CLE trainings and Title IX resources for free.
Cost: FREE. Typically, the $175 cost is waived only for those who join ERA’s ENOUGH Pro Bono network. However, for May’s training, ERA has waived the cost for all attendees in light of the financial hardships posed by the COVID-19 crisis.
Full itinerary and Zoom links will be provided closer to the training date.
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