March Madness: Equal Pay Edition
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Join us March 9 – 15 for March Madness: Equal Pay Edition. Each day leading up to Equal Pay Day 2022 (March 15) will feature a “match up” between equal pay elements and their main adversaries. Raise awareness with us and our Equal Pay Today partners online by participating in the daily discussion and retweeting that day’s posts.
March 9: Equal Pay Inclusion vs. Only Full-Time
For too long, part-time workers have been excluded from #equalpay data & conversations. Why is it critical to include them in #EqualPayDay data now? Add your thoughts and join the conversation on Twitter!
March 10: Pay Transparency vs. Employer Secrecy
Today, our competitors are Pay Transparency vs. Employer Secrecy! Have you ever talked with friends or coworkers about your pay? What was the result? Add your thoughts and join the conversation on Twitter!
March 11: $15 Minimum Wage vs. $2.13 Subminimum Wage
Two-thirds of minimum wage earners are women. Email your reps to support the #RaiseTheWage Act with @OneFairWage: fightdontstarve.com/strike. Add your thoughts and join the conversation on Twitter!
March 14: Good Companies vs. Old Companies
As part of our #EqualPayWeekofAction, today we’re discussing Good Companies vs Bad Companies. What can employers do to be #equalpay “good guys”? Add your thoughts and join the conversation on Twitter!
March 15: Facts vs. Myths
Today’s #EqualPay match-up focuses on combating commonly heard myths with equal pay facts. What myths have you heard to explain away gender and race wage gaps? Add your thoughts and join the conversation on Twitter!
Join the fight for equal pay! Click here for Equal Pay Day events and actions you can take on March 15!
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