MobilizeHer 2020: Gender Justice & Voting Rights on the Ballot (Webinar)
Gender justice and voting rights are on the November ballot in Oakland and California. Join Equal Rights Advocates, Women’s March Oakland, Black Women Organized for Political Action, and East Bay Women’s Political Alliance for a conversation on key ballot propositions that will uphold Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy by advancing equity and expanding voting access for self-identified women and girls.
ERA’s Maha Ibrahim will speak about Oakland Measure QQ in relation to the innovative, student-led sexual harassment policy work ERA has done with Oakland Unified School District students over the past 3 years, especially partnering with girls of color. Measure QQ would authorize Oakland City Council to allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote for Office of School Board Director, ensuring students’ voices are heard in the election of this crucial role.
The following California Propositions will also be discussed by our partners:
- Prop 15: Reform corporate property taxes to generate billions of dollars a year for schools and local services
- Prop 16: End state ban on affirmative action
- Prop 17: Restore voting rights to Californians on parole
- Prop 18: Allow 17-year-olds to vote in state primaries and special elections if they turn 18 before the general election
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