Equal Rights Advocates 50th Anniversary Logo
Stronger California workers rally

Stronger CA webinar: How to support workers & families this summer

Tune into our webinar on Thursday, July 28, at 12:00-1:00 p.m. Pacific to hear from some of California’s top nonprofit advocates for women, workers, and families on our favorite 2022 bills, and how you can easily support them. California legislators will vote in August on whether to pass these important bills to:

  • Advance affordable child care
  • Increase workplace protections for fast food workers
  • Allow workers to take leave to care for chosen family
  • Combat pay discrimination
  • Make Paid Family Leave more accessible to low-wage workers
  • Give workers the right to bereavement leave
  • Increase financial coercion protections for domestic violence survivors
  • Create a safety net for immigrant workers excluded from unemployment benefits
  • Provide “baby bonds” to advance economic stability & narrow the racial wealth gap
  • Mariko Yoshihara (CA Employment Lawyers Association)
  • Jessica Ramey Stender (Equal Rights Advocates)
  • Rene Bayardo (SEIU)
  • Jennifer Greppi (Parent Voices)
  • Katie Duberg (CA Work & Family Coalition)
  • Shimica Gaskins (GRACE)
  • Alice Kessler (CA Partnership to End Domestic Violence)
  • Sasha Feldstein (CA Immigrant Policy Center)
  • Evan Minton (Voices for Progress)


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Our Advice & Counseling helpline is temporarily at capacity. Unfortunately we are unable to take any new inquiries at this time. We will reopen the helpline as soon as possible. In the meantime, please see our Know Your Rights guides for helpful information.

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Sus Derechos en el Trabajo


Posible que podamos proveer ayuda legal por gratis por los siguientes problemas en el trabajo o la escuela: discriminación basado en el género o por LGBTQI+, acoso sexual, asalto sexual, y discriminación basado en el embarazo o por ser padre/madre.


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En este momento, no estamos recibiendo solicitudes dejadas por un recado de teléfono. Sin embargo, usted puede someter una solicitud para una consulta por la manera de hacer clic en el links "Empleo" o "Educación."