Equal Rights Advocates 50th Anniversary Logo
Image of lawmakers, advocates, children, smiling and holding up signs celebrating the Stronger California Advocates Network. They are lined up, this photo was taken to the left of them while they smile at another camera.

Stronger California 2024 Kickoff: Reception & Policy Convening

The California Museum
1020 O Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Register (free)

You are invited to join us in Sacramento on Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 5:00 p.m. for an exclusive sneak peek at some of 2024’s most groundbreaking bills for women and families in California. The Stronger California Advocates Network back-to-session kickoff will be led by Equal Rights Advocates and our Stronger CA partners, featuring remarks from advocates and members of the Legislative Women’s Caucus.


The event will also be livestreamed for those who cannot attend in person. See livestream instructions below.

We will celebrate our Stronger California 2023 legislative victories: bills and budget wins that will advance pay equity, reduce childcare costs for low-income families, safeguard workers’ right to report labor violations, protect sexual violence survivors from weaponized defamation lawsuits, and more. (See a summary of our 2023 wins.) Key California lawmakers who helped ensure the success of those bills will be honored as Legislative Champions at the event.

Thank you for being part of our movement to ensure economic security and equal rights for all Californians!

Livestream instructions: To get a reminder 15 minutes before the event starts, go to Equal Rights Advocates’ Instagram and tap “Stronger CA 2024 Reception LIVE” at the top of the page. Select “Remind me.”
Or simply head to ERA’s Instagram at 5:15pm PT on Jan. 24 and tune in by clicking the round profile picture at the top, which will say “Live” once the event is streaming.

The Stronger California Advocates Network is a collaboration of 60+ organizations and advocacy coalitions across California working in partnership with the Legislative Women’s Caucus to promote policy reform to improve the economic security of women and families across the state.

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Posible que podamos proveer ayuda legal por gratis por los siguientes problemas en el trabajo o la escuela: discriminación basado en el género o por LGBTQI+, acoso sexual, asalto sexual, y discriminación basado en el embarazo o por ser padre/madre.


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