Equal Rights Advocates 50th Anniversary Logo

Stronger California Advocates Network

Read the 2025 Stronger California Policy Agenda responding to federal civil rights attacks and addressing the most pressing needs of California women, workers, and families.

View the Stronger California 2025 Policy Agenda

Email your lawmakers to support Stronger California bills!


The Stronger California Network is a collaborative campaign of 65+ advocacy groups and coalitions from across the state. ERA co-founded and chairs this cross-sector network, and together, we have driven groundbreaking reforms to help Californians combat poverty and build assets, achieve workplace justice and family-friendly workplaces, and expand access to affordable, quality child care. ERA leads the Agenda’s workplace justice efforts, including on fair pay and harassment, which are setting the pace for the rest of the nation. Because all Californians should have the opportunity to thrive and lead economically secure lives.

Ten years of Stronger California Wins

How We Fight for A Stronger California

Since 2015, the Stronger California Advocates Network has worked with the Legislative Women’s Caucus and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass bills advancing economic and civil rights for women and families across the state. With bills that are being replicated across the country, including the nation’s strongest laws combating sexual harassment and pay discrimination, the Stronger California Agenda is setting the pace for the nation.

Our Focus Areas

We initiate and advocate for laws that will help women and others throughout California:

  • Meet basic needs and build assets
  • Achieve equal pay and better working conditions, including robust protections against sexual harassment and discrimination
  • Access equal job opportunities and family-friendly workplaces
  • Obtain quality, affordable child care
  • Receive comprehensive healthcare, including reproductive healthcare

Our Strategies

  • Policy reform, through drafting and co-sponsoring legislation, and advocating for passage of our bills
  • Community mobilization with a focus on prioritizing the needs of low-paid workers, women, and families of color
  • Partnering with the Legislative Women’s Caucus to prioritize and pass key bills in each legislative session
  • Tackling barriers to economic security the same way they appear in our lives: simultaneously
  • Public mobilization, organizing, and strategic communications, including supporting and providing resources to advocates in other states

Who We Are

More than 65 organizations make up the Stronger California Steering Committee, Roundtable, and Supporters Network.

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Help us do more work like this

Support the movement for gender justice. Invest in our mission to end discrimination and sexual violence in our workplaces and schools with a gift to ERA.


Legal Advice & Resources / Consejos y Recursos legales

Know Your Rights

Learn what your rights are so you can navigate your situation and make the best decision for you.

Your Rights at Work
Your Rights at School

Contact Us

Our Advice & Counseling helpline is temporarily at capacity. Unfortunately we are unable to take any new inquiries at this time. We will reopen the helpline as soon as possible. In the meantime, please see our Know Your Rights guides for helpful information.

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We have trained legal advocates and lawyers on staff to guide you through your legal issue.

Conozca Sus Derechos

Aprende sus derechos para que puedas navegar su situación y tomar la mejor decisión para ti.

Sus Derechos en el Trabajo


Posible que podamos proveer ayuda legal por gratis por los siguientes problemas en el trabajo o la escuela: discriminación basado en el género o por LGBTQI+, acoso sexual, asalto sexual, y discriminación basado en el embarazo o por ser padre/madre.


Nuestro servicio de asesoramiento por teléfono está cerrado por ahora

En este momento, no estamos recibiendo solicitudes dejadas por un recado de teléfono. Sin embargo, usted puede someter una solicitud para una consulta por la manera de hacer clic en el links "Empleo" o "Educación."