The Women’s Agenda Initiative
The Women's Agenda Initiative is a collective impact project with sister organizations who share a vision for healthy and equitable workplaces & schools for women, girls, and gender-marginalized people. Together, we build a future of liberation & economic opportunity for everyone.
Why This Matters
Better opportunities for women and gender expansive folks makes their families and communities stronger. These opportunities are central to achieving gender justice which is a benefit to all. During this COVID-19 crisis we are able to see the gendered and racialized impact it has on our communities. BIWOC are disproportionately on the front lines as our healthcare, service workers, cashiers, and domestic home care professionals. They keep our economies and communities going yet are the first people to be left out of policy making. By centering their economic justice needs we can create opportunities for all of us.
Join Us!
Winning broad economic justice for BIWOC and their families is going to take all of us. We create easy ways for you to take action, including writing, calling, or tweeting at your legislators. Sign up to join ERA’s Action Team to get actions sent straight to your email, including ways you can support bills to improve workplace justice and the economic security of women and families. We won’t send you more than one email per week.
Our Vision
The world we want is a world where every person, without their gender or race being a barrier, creates a thriving life. They can feel safe and secure, and care for themselves, their families, and their neighborhoods. We see a world where there is enough for everyone – and we get it by building power to win better pay equity, fight sexual harassment, and put stronger economic security laws on the books.
Our Strategy
We don’t believe in fighting for what we can get. We fight for what justice requires. The Women’s Agenda Initiative connects policy advocates, policy makers, and community groups to transform the law and influence the progressive legislative process in 2020 and beyond.
Tracking state level policy reform across the nation, we collaborate with coalitions and advocates in other states to build on wins and accelerate the pace of policy victories in more conservative states.
- We built the first of its kind digital Policy Library & Interactive Map which features and tracks important information from progressive policy efforts across the country, including pay equity, sexual harassment and economic security laws. These resources in the Policy Library allows activists and campaigns to access the model policies and insights they need to win. It connects the Network and Rapid Response Team with hundreds of policy advocates and community organizers across the nation. Already, the digital hub is dramatically building the capacity of the movement. Currently, it holds hundreds of resources for advocates and survivors who want to build power and change laws.
- ERA has led the formation of the nation’s first Network of States to Stop Harassment, with 150 members across the country coordinating gender justice reforms. Our co-anchors are the National Women’s Law Center and Girls for Gender Equity. The groups in our Network help ensure that those most severely impacted by harassment are at the table to inform policy reforms.
- We lead a national State Policy Rapid Response Team of policy experts providing support to state advocates on the ground advancing gender justice policy reforms.

Help us do more work like this
Support the movement for gender justice. Invest in our mission to end discrimination and sexual violence in our workplaces and schools with a gift to ERA.