Equal Rights Advocates 50th Anniversary Logo

Join the Equal Rights Advocates Legacy Circle


Our Legacy Circle is a special group of donors who have made a lasting commitment to securing Equal Rights Advocates’ future by naming us as a beneficiary and/or including us in their will or estate plan.


By joining the Legacy Circle, you ensure that the rights of women and girls across the country will continue to be protected. Your gift supports ERA’s public education efforts, legislative advocacy and litigation so those we serve can pursue their dreams in school and at work.

There are many ways to make a planned gift, including naming Equal Rights Advocates as a beneficiary in your will or living trust, retirement plan, IRA or tax-sheltered annuity, living trust, charitable remainder or lead trust, life estate and/or life insurance. If you have included Equal Rights Advocates in any of these, please let us know so that we can welcome you to the Legacy Circle.


Equal Rights Advocates is pleased to offer special benefits to Legacy Circle members

  • Recognition of your name along with other Legacy Circle members on Equal Rights Advocates website and print media (unless you wish to be anonymous)
  • Invitations to special events, including an exclusive Legacy Circle gathering
  • News and announcements throughout the year

There are no dues or fees associated with membership in our Equal Rights Advocates Legacy Circle and there are no requirements on the size of your gift. Simply confirm your participation by sending us an email or complete this Confidential Form and submit it by mail to:

Equal Rights Advocates Legacy Circle
611 Mission St. Floor 4
San Francisco, CA 94105
or by email to Jacqui Logan, Development Manager at [email protected].

Legal Advice & Resources / Consejos y Recursos legales

Know Your Rights

Learn what your rights are so you can navigate your situation and make the best decision for you.

Your Rights at Work
Your Rights at School

Contact Us

Our Advice & Counseling helpline is temporarily at capacity. Unfortunately we are unable to take any new inquiries at this time. We will reopen the helpline as soon as possible. In the meantime, please see our Know Your Rights guides for helpful information.

Apply for Legal Help

Learn More

We have trained legal advocates and lawyers on staff to guide you through your legal issue.

Conozca Sus Derechos

Aprende sus derechos para que puedas navegar su situación y tomar la mejor decisión para ti.

Sus Derechos en el Trabajo


Posible que podamos proveer ayuda legal por gratis por los siguientes problemas en el trabajo o la escuela: discriminación basado en el género o por LGBTQI+, acoso sexual, asalto sexual, y discriminación basado en el embarazo o por ser padre/madre.


Nuestro servicio de asesoramiento por teléfono está cerrado por ahora

En este momento, no estamos recibiendo solicitudes dejadas por un recado de teléfono. Sin embargo, usted puede someter una solicitud para una consulta por la manera de hacer clic en el links "Empleo" o "Educación."