Equal Rights Advocates 50th Anniversary Logo

45th Anniversary Gender Justice Honoree: Women Donors Network

June 5. 2019
ERA Staff

To celebrate our 45th anniversary, we’re honoring gender justice champions who have worked passionately to transform our workplaces and schools into spaces where every woman, student, and nonbinary person can thrive. They will be honored at our 45th Anniversary Gala Luncheon on June 14 in San Francisco.

Gender Justice Honoree: Women’s Agenda

Equal Rights Advocates launched the Stronger California Advocates Network in 2015. Our goal? To create a legislative agenda that improves the economic security of millions of Californians while influencing other states across the country with bold policy reforms to help women and families build assets, access affordable child care, and thrive in safe, fair, family-friendly workplaces. With over two dozen wins to date, including the country’s strongest laws combating sexual harassment and pay discrimination, the Stronger California agenda is setting the pace for the nation. Today, we bestow honors on the exemplary partners who help ERA lead this vision.

Women Donors Network is a vibrant network of 200+ individual women philanthropists at the forefront of social change. They are activists, nonprofit leaders, executives, artists, and changemakers. They take collective action to advance core progressive ideals of peace, human rights, feminism, and social, economic, and environmental justice. WDN members not only supported ERA’s founding of the Stronger California Advocates Network, but they are now also helping us replicate California legislative wins in other states by supporting our Women’s Agenda Initiative. We are proud to honor the Women Donors Network and its members for their collaboration, trust, and catalytic vision for the future of women’s equality.

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Posible que podamos proveer ayuda legal por gratis por los siguientes problemas en el trabajo o la escuela: discriminación basado en el género o por LGBTQI+, acoso sexual, asalto sexual, y discriminación basado en el embarazo o por ser padre/madre.


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