Equal Rights Advocates 50th Anniversary Logo

Message from the Executive Director amid COVID-19 pandemic

March 13. 2020

Noreen Farrell

We need your support more than ever, and so do the communities we serve.

Dear friend,
Like many across the country, Equal Rights Advocates is grappling with Coronavirus anxiety and uncertainty. We have provided our staff the option of working remotely. We encouraged them to draw on the 21 days of paid sick time we provide them if they are sick. They know they can take job protected and paid leave to care for themselves or their family members if needed. Our goal is to make sure they feel valued and supported whatever their needs. We are a team and a family and keeping close community even when working from home.
Every worker should have this type of support. For over 45 years, Equal Rights Advocates has advocated for workers who are not as fortunate. We co-sponsored the country’s first state paid family leave law in 2002, and we have worked tirelessly since to ensure all workers across the country have the same benefit. But our work is far from done. Today, we are scared for workers who are denied paid sick time and forced to work in dangerous COVID-19 pandemic conditions. We know that low-paid women workers will be among those hit the hardest.
As this pandemic combines with sexism, xenophobia, violence, economic hardship, and food insecurity, the work of Equal Rights Advocates is more critical than ever. Please join us in driving efforts to protect workers threatened by COVID-19. Support our policy efforts through our Stronger California and national Women’s Agenda initiatives focused on ending violence and economic insecurity. As we encourage high road employers to implement best practices, we will continue to help women workers facing unfair or dangerous conditions. Our families and communities depend on them. We value their work and cherish their health.
If you are a supporter of Equal Rights Advocates, please stand with us now. Until COVID-19 is contained, we may have to postpone fundraising events or hold them virtually. We encourage you to sponsor them anyway. Please make a special gift of support and ask your friends to join you. We need you more than ever, and so do the communities we serve.
On behalf of the staff and board of Equal Rights Advocates, I thank you and wish you continued health in the weeks ahead.
Noreen Farrell, Executive Director


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Our Advice & Counseling helpline is temporarily at capacity. Unfortunately we are unable to take any new inquiries at this time. We will reopen the helpline as soon as possible. In the meantime, please see our Know Your Rights guides for helpful information.

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Sus Derechos en el Trabajo


Posible que podamos proveer ayuda legal por gratis por los siguientes problemas en el trabajo o la escuela: discriminación basado en el género o por LGBTQI+, acoso sexual, asalto sexual, y discriminación basado en el embarazo o por ser padre/madre.


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En este momento, no estamos recibiendo solicitudes dejadas por un recado de teléfono. Sin embargo, usted puede someter una solicitud para una consulta por la manera de hacer clic en el links "Empleo" o "Educación."