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New Title IX rule goes into effect, protecting LGBTQI+ & other students — but not in all states

August 1. 2024

For Immediate Release
Aug 1, 2024

Media Contact
Nazirah Ahmad
[email protected]

View Advice for Students in states where the 2024 Title IX regulations are currently blocked.

Lawsuits in 26 states have halted enforcement of the much-needed protections for students. Title IX still remains in effect nation-wide.

The Biden Administration’s 2024 regulations to Title IX went into effect on August 1, 2024, clarifying and better effectuating Title IX’s protections from discrimination and gender-based violence, particularly LGBTQI+ students, women, girls, survivors of sexual violence, and pregnant and parenting students. 

Unfortunately, not all students may have the opportunity to immediately benefit from these regulations. Due to pending lawsuits, the regulations are currently paused in 26 states: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

While California is not subject to such a statewide pause, the 2024 regulations also aren’t immediately applicable in certain California schools due to a pending lawsuit. (View the list of schools.)

Note: Even in states and schools subject to the temporary block, students still have expanded rights as of Aug. 1, 2024, especially pregnant (including miscarriage and abortion), postpartum, and lactating students. LGBTQI+ students also still have protections under previous regulations. Learn more.

Still, the Office for Civil Rights has made it clear: while the 2024 regulations are on pause in many states, the 2020 Title IX regulations remain effective nationwide, protecting students’ rights to report discrimination, harassment, and gender-based violence, and to receive timely support from their schools.

Today’s regulations largely reverse the Trump Administration’s harmful changes to Title IX, which had weakened protections and changed the direction of Title IX away from Congress’ original protective intent, especially for survivors of sexual assault. The new 2024 regulations provide clearer and more effective processes for addressing sexual harassment and assault, and they affirm vital protections to LGBTQ+ students.

Equal Rights Advocates and our partners are working tirelessly to ensure true nationwide implementation of the 2024 regulations. We will soon post an updated version of our Student Survivor Toolkit to help students in this time of transition. 

Although the new regulations do not apply to any former or pending Title IX investigations — except in cases of ongoing harm — we encourage any student who has questions to contact our helpline by filling out this form.

We look forward to working with school administrators to ensure the rule is implemented.


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