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Stronger California Applauds Joint Legislative Budget Agreement, Calls on Legislature & Gov. Newsom to Adopt a Budget that Reflects the Needs of All Californians

June 10. 2024

For Immediate Release
Jun 10, 2024

Media Contact
Nazirah Ahmad
[email protected]


The following is a statement from the Stronger California Advocates Network:

As California lawmakers and Governor Newsom work to finalize a budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year, the Stronger California Advocates Network urges our leaders to prioritize the needs of state’s most vulnerable citizens and celebrates the support the legislature has already shown for working women and families in this year’s budgeting process.  

The Stronger California Network (Stronger California) is a collaborative campaign of 65+ advocacy groups and coalitions from across the state working to combat poverty, achieve workplace justice, expand access to affordable childcare, and support health and reproductive rights. Our members know that now, more than ever, it is critical that California pass a budget that preserves the safety and dignity of women, families and children, and supports the basic needs of our most vulnerable communities.  

Stronger California applauds the release of the Joint Legislative Budget Plan on May 29, which balances protecting vital safety-net programs with retaining key investments from the Governor’s proposal. The Legislative agreement prioritizes addressing the needs of vulnerable Californians and helps prevent the irreversible harms caused by child poverty by:

  • Restoring several life-saving core services across the spectrum of the CalWORKs program, from Family Stabilization—supporting families in crisis—to Subsidized Employment to ensure pathways out of poverty;
  • Equitably protecting the Safety Net Reserve by utilizing only half of the Reserve;
  • Embracing the historic opportunity provided by federal pilots to #ReimagineCalWORKs to be trauma-informed and build real pathways out of poverty;
  • Restoring funding for promised Child Care spaces to ensure increased access to affordable child care for working families and a real plan to reach 200,000 spaces by 2028; 
  • Including $103 million in ongoing funding for crime victims’ services programs to prevent potentially devastating cuts and provide stability for funding in future years. This will prevent almost 20,000 Californians from having to choose between staying in an abusive environment and homelessness because of the unmet need for shelter, and will support access to the mental health and legal advocacy services that survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence, and human trafficking need to heal in the wake of harm.  

A strong California is only possible with adequate investments to preserve programs that support the safety and dignity of women, families and children. Passing a just state budget will prevent both immediate and long-term harm on our communities, paving the way for a more equitable and secure future for all Californians. 

The Joint Legislative Budget Plan demonstrates a commitment to protecting the wellbeing of all Californians by responding to the budget deficit while preserving critical programs and services. We urge the legislature and Governor to ensure that these vital proposals are solidified in the final budget agreement along with revenue options to address the ongoing needs of women and children. 


Learn more about the Stronger California Advocates Network.


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