2021 Impact Report: Message from Executive Director Noreen Farrell
March 9. 2022
By Noreen Farrell, Executive Director

2022 is a year of opportunity. And we cannot let that opportunity go to waste. As we charge into the year ahead with the power of community behind us, I’m inspired by ERA’s vision for a future where we ALL can thrive.
Dear friend,
We are heading into a new year with extraordinary challenges, from Congressional stalemates on policy reforms needed by millions, to a Supreme Court on the path to overturn Roe v. Wade. To meet this moment, let’s draw inspiration from our progress last year and use that momentum to push ahead. We hope our enclosed Impact Report can be that source of inspiration. Chock full of numbers providing a glimpse of your impact, this update is a testament to our collective power — even as we push through a third year of COVID-19.
You’ve powered ERA’s mission in years past, and it’s been transformational for our team and the communities we serve. Can we count on your renewed support with a gift to help us build momentum for equality in 2022 and beyond?
No matter the crisis or political landscape, our goal is to build power for our shared values, including care for our families, quality work, equal opportunity to prosper, and representation in all spheres.
Whether you are a worker or student inspiring ERA’s legal work, an Equal Rights Action Team member or social media follower driving legislative reforms in every state, a donor, advocacy partner, or a combination of all — what we achieved last year wouldn’t have been possible without your support.
2021 was a year for radical rebuilding. We achieved major court wins reclaiming school civil rights law from the Trump Administration. Our 2021 policy wins now benefit millions who need access to fair wages, affordable childcare, robust protections against workplace retaliation, expanded paid leave, and equitable access to tax credits no matter documentation status. We closely listened to essential women workers and caregivers at our Essential Women Workers Virtual Summit, which engaged hundreds of partners across the country. We documented the needs of thousands of Black and Latinx family breadwinners in 14 cities, who will be instrumental in elections and policy agendas ahead.
We are ready. 2022 is a year of opportunity. And we cannot let that opportunity go to waste. As we charge into the year ahead with the power of community behind us, I’m inspired by ERA’s vision for a future where we ALL can thrive — where women, girls, and people of all gender identities are supported throughout their lives as students, workers, and family leaders. Friend, will you join us in this fight by making a gift to support our work in 2022? Visit equalrights.org/donate-2022 to make your gift now.
No matter the crisis or political landscape, our goal is to build power for our shared values, including care for our families, quality work, equal opportunity to prosper, and representation in all spheres. Thank you for joining us in the movement to advance gender, racial, and economic justice. It’s an honor to stand beside you in this work.
Onward towards justice,
Noreen Farrell
Executive Director
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