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3 ways to support pay equality on Equal Pay Day 2023

Emily McKay Johnson, Senior Policy Communications Coordinator

Equal Pay Day 2023 is Tuesday March 14, and we need your help raising awareness about the gender, race, and LGBTQIA+ pay gap that impacts millions of women and workers around the country. 

This year the wage gap for U.S. women working full-time, year-round sits at 84 cents for every dollar paid to  the average man. Taking into account all workers  — including full-time, part-time, seasonal, and gig workers — the average is 77 cents. For many women of color compared to the average white man, the wage gap is even worse:

  • 67 cents for Black women working full-time, year-round
  • 65 cents for Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander women
  • 57 cents for both Latina and Native American women

Visit our Equal Pay Today website for more data.

At this rate, the average woman stands to lose more than $400,000 over the course of a 40-year career. If women were being paid an equal wage for equal work, they would be able to afford 7 extra months of health insurance, 9 months of additional rent, an entire year of childcare, or more than a year’s worth of groceries (even accounting for inflation) each year

But change is possible when we all work together, which is why raising awareness during our national social media storm is one of the best ways to take action! The more people who learn about and understand the wage gap, the larger our movement becomes, and the more likely we are to achieve our goals. Here are THREE ways you can participate:

1. Participate in the national Equal Pay Day social media storm.

Join us at 11:00 am PDT / 2:00 pm EDT on your personal social media channels to raise awareness with us! Check out our social media toolkit, where you can easily copy and paste content and download images to share with your followers. Click here to access the toolkit!

2. Email your Representatives about the Paycheck Fairness Act with a few clicks.

You can easily support the Paycheck Fairness Act using our template email to Congress. Just add your personal information and click send. Reintroduced just last week by Reps. Rosa DeLauro and Senator Patty Murray, the PFA will prohibit employers from participating in gender-based discrimination practices that keep workers from earning an equal wage for equal work, including retaliating against employees who discuss their pay with coworkers, and relying on a person’s prior wages or salary to determine their current or new pay, which allows pay discrimination to follow women from job to job.

Passing the Paycheck Fairness Act is an essential step to our economic recovery as a country. Pay parity will help lift countless families out of poverty. Click here or below to email your representatives.

3. Donate to the Equal Pay Today campaign

Ten years ago, Equal Rights Advocates and other advocacy organizations from across the country made a commitment to elevate the conversation about equal pay at a national level and formed the collaborative Equal Pay Today campaign. Our shared commitment has inspired (and continues to inspire!) progressive policies in 42 states.  

From the White House Equal Pay Summit in 2022, to California’s notable pay transparency law, our movement is unfurling the inequities that contribute to economic injustice one equal pay day at a time. Help fuel the equal pay movement with a donation today!

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